Sunday, February 19, 2006

Email 13 Feb 2006

Excerpts from Sister Welker's email:
It's Preparation day again. I have so much to tell you. alright just to let you know that i will not be captilizing or putting periods in this email! the keyboards are so weird here! it is taking to long trying to find the periods and finding the shift button! so how are you guys? is everything going okay . . . well i guess i will start from the beginning . . . .i got up early so i could be ready on time: the elders came and picked me up and took me to the airport: we had a lot of adventurous at the airport: we had to stand in line forever and ever and then when it was my turn they told me i was over weight on my bags: the reason for that was that i was only allowed 44 pounds for the two bags together not for each: they would only allow me to take one bag . . . president ardern came and told me he would take my bag and bring it to me when he comes on the 28th: so for right now i pretty much only have my clothes and my tooth brush and a couple other things . . . . i love my companion sister freeman: she is absolutely fantastic: she is from North Carolina: she is just amazing: i really got blessed with a good companion: she works really hard: she is a great missionary: i love her to death already: i met president arderns councelor who is on this island his name is president koncurat: i also met his wife and his daughter . . . i have met my district: it consists of four sisters and two elders: . . . . i love the people here they are incredible: they are so nice and friendly: i dont understand everything they say though because they only speak french: we have been teaching one family a lot lately . . . i love the work mom and dad: i am so happy here: . . . i bore my testimony to the branch i am in yesterday: they just kind of told me right in the middle of sacrament meeting: i was really scared but i did it and felt good after . . . . love ya miss ya xoxoxoxo


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