Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Email 24 Sep 2006

Excerpt from Sister Welker's email:
i love you tons and tons: and i miss you tons and tons: the past few days have been kind of hard on me: i have missed you a lot: i wish i could be with you right now: but i am doing okay : i have been praying a lot: ive gotta admit that a mission is hard: it is the hardest thing i have ever done: it has been probably the hardest ten months of my life: i cant say i have really enjoyed all ten months: there is definitely moments i would never change though: and if i was asked to do it again i would because i have gotten closer to my heavenly father: my knowledge has grown tremendously i have changed as a person too: i am definitely more patient: that is for sure: you have to have even more patience when you are a senior companion than as a junior: geez its hard: but it is a good experience: i really am blessed to be a missionary right now: . . .i feel like the past few weeks i have just been a robot: and i needed a moment to be a normal person again and crying was the only thing i could think of: it was really good for me though: i got all my emotion out and now i am better than new: but sorry for telling you that: i just wanted to share with you what was on my mind: hey i wanted to know if you have the home address of micah: he goes home next week and i want to be able to write him after his mission: i got your package: thank you so much: there was so many goodies: i was so excited: all the other missionaries were excited too: they attacked me to get the starbursts:not literally attacked me but formed a circle around me: it was funny: thank you for the cheesecake: i am so excited to eat it: we are going to make it on my birthday: i got the birthday cd also: thank you so much: i really needed that: it was cute: thanks: oh dad one of the elders thinks you are so hilarious: he listned to a little of the birthday song: the end when you said are we done okay good: it was funny: what a lot of surprises in that video: mom and lindsey your hair is so long: wow: you guys have all changed so much: i cant believe that james got married: wow: i was shocked: good for him though: what the heck bob: what is that mo hawk: what happened to preppy bob: that was the thing that shocked me the most: thank you all so much for doing that: i love you all so much: well the other day we were walking and down the street someone sneezed: oh my gosh it sounded exactly like you dad: i forgot for a second that i was in new caledonia and not at home with you: i could hear it clear down the street: well all the members have been telling us that there is a cyclone headed our way: do you guys know anything about that: oh man i think the hardest thing about a mission is the companions: man i have had so many very different companions: three of the five have had very strong personalities: the other two i got along great with but our companionship did not last long: the others i have been with for a long time: i think the lord is really trying to help me work on my patience: . . the last two days i have been sick: my skin has just ached and i dont know why: but it may be because of stress so i am going to try and calm down and try relax a little more: oh man i was so excited at church yesterday we had a lot of people there: we have been working a lot with inactives and it has payed off: the lord has really blessed us: there is three men we have been working with to help them come back to church and all three of them came to church yesterday: it was the best feeling ever: also our new investigator who we found by the lords guide came to church yesterday: for the full three hours: it was awesome: his name is l. . .: he is from fortuna: he is sixty years old: he is so cool: we commited him to quit smoking and he agreed: oh i am so excited: he is really progressing: oh man i cant believe i will be turning 22 soon: that is so odd: i am getting so old and i am still not married eek: just kidding i am not stressing: thank you for all the birthday surprises: oh i also got the dvds thank you: oh i dont know if you guys have the book our heritage but i wanted to tell you it is a really good book i am in the process of reading it: it is awesome: i love it: well i love you tons and tons and miss you tons and tons: hugs and bisous:


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