Saturday, April 01, 2006

Email 26 Mar 2006

Excerpt from Sister Welker's email:
how are you guys doing: i cant believe that another week has gone by: the time is just flying here: i have been here now for 7 weeks: and i almost at my 4 month mark: i cant believe it is almost already april: so how is everything going in hawaii: is everyone doing okay: i am doing great here in new caledonia. . . well some other news i will update you on the gross things i ate this week: i ate lobster for the first time in my life and hopefully the last: but i have to admit it is not as bad as fish: i just drenched it in mayo and it tasted okay: i was forced to eat two pieces of the chocolatest cakes i ever tasted: it was so gross. . . it was just pure torture for me: i saw the biggest spider the other day: i swear i have never seen a spider that big in my life. . . his body was the size of like a quarter and then with long legs: yuck: i have zone conference again this week: it is on friday: i am really excited: maybe i will be able to understand at this one. . . i got two letters from sister kim: she is doing really good in france: she is in a city called nimes: she said she was good. . .i have an awesome companion . . .thanks for the cheese stick things and the starbursts we dont have starbursts here or those cheese things so it was a nice treat: district meeting went well: i just followed the spirit and it turned out pretty good: it is a little itimidating to speak french with my district because they are all french except me and sister freeman and elder griffin: we have 8 in our district: thank you so much for the cd of your family home evening with the boys: it was so funny i really enjoyed it but i do wish i could have been there. . .i will have a lot to tell you next week because of zone conference and general conference . . .love ya tons and i miss ya tons: xoxoxoxo p:s: thank you for telling me about whats going on in your lives: it makes me very happy to hear how you are doing


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