Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Email 08 Oct 2006

Excerpts from Sister Welker's email:
how are you this week: hey i just want to let you know that i love you and miss you tons: i hope all is going well: did you get that house you wanted: wow five rooms: that is a lot: does that mean i get to stay with you forever even with my husband when i get married: i have to make up for the time i have missed with you: i wish i could be there with you to help you find a house: its got to be frustrating: hey if you get that house in draper we will live by sister rowberry and her family: . . .we did not get to go to our new sector: my old companions companion did not come until saturday so we are going up today: i am getting a little nervous because everybody has been telling us it is a lot different than my other areas: they have been saying it isnt a good area: but i am not going to go with a bad attitude: i am going to go postive: i am going to work hard and never give up: oh i have another question: i need to renew my international drivers license because it expires soon and i will be the driver so i need a new one: oh man i really dont like driving: i have tried a couple of times but i staled out and everything: i dont like it: i dont feel like i am in control of the car: i dont like manuels: i will never buy one: ever::: i almost rolled back into a car yesterday it was so scary: oh we went to a dam the other week for p day: it was so much fun: it was really cool: i really enjoyed being out in nature and just sitting and thinking: it is something i havent done in a long time: i love nature now: it is very peaceful: i took some pictures so i will show you later: in boulouparis there is a lot of waterfalls: i am so exctied: i am going to take lots of pictures: well this week really hasnt been very eventful: i just stayed in riviere salee for the week: but we are leaving in about five hours for my new area: i will be back down next week though for zone conference: i love you all tons and tons: i miss you tons and tons: i hope all is well: i pray for you all the time: hugs and bisous:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Alicia

How are you doing? I hope everything is going good for you. I wasnt sure if you were still out on your mission. Are you having a good time there? What do you plan on doing after that? Coming back to utah? :) Well I hope to hear from you soon. Talk to ya later!

Luv Ya,

11/11/2006 6:55 PM  

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