Friday, December 22, 2006

Email 17 Dec 2006

Excerpts from Sister Welker's email:
hello my beautiful family: how are you guys doing this week: all is well with me: i am very happy: we had a pretty okay week: well i will start off first by talking about the phone call: it will be at one oclock my monday: your sunday the 24th:. . . you can call me at this number: . . . this is where my companion and i will be staying for three days: just to let you know there will be someone who will answer in french: i will try and be at the phone by my one oclock: but if i dont answer just say my name and they will give me the phone: there will be four of us at the apartment: my companion will be the only one who does not speak english: so you can speak in english: they will understand: i cant wait to talk to you. . .i have a question: i was reading my emails that you sent me and i saw the name jayden a lot: i never asked you before but who is that? i didnt recognize the name: well we had a rental car this week: it was a small little car: it was fun though: we had only for two days: we had to drive down to the city two times this week: oh how i love my sector: it is so not the city: there is just too many people and cars: eek: i like the peace and the quiet: but our car is now fixed: yay: we had a branch activity the other day: it was a lot of fun: we dance a line dance: it was funny: everyone really liked our dance: especially the kids: one of the elders was santa clause too: it was so funny: i felt like i was back in hawaii: i got your package the other day: man mom you wrapped them really good: i tried to peek a little but i couldnt see anything: and mom sorry but ya gotta wait till christmas: hey you can open it christmas eve if you want: i hope you guys like it: i wish i could give ya more: i gave a talk yesterday at church : i was scared to death: but it was okay: it is over now: thank goodness: hey i am still practising the tamure: i am getting better now: i do that as my sport in the mornings: it is really good exercise: it is hard to do: but it is fun: well my family: that is all the exciting news: i am sure i will have more to tell you when i talk to you on monday: i miss you so much and love ya so much: yay i get to hear your voices in one week: cant wait:


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