Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Email 04 Mar 2007

Excerpts from Sister Welker's email:
hello my beautiful family; oh wow: i am exremely happy; excited; surprised; and nervous all wrapped into one: oh my i didnt think that i would get accepted and not as fast as it was: wow: i really am at a loss for words: i have been so stressed about it: i didnt think they would accept me but viola: i am extremely excited: oh gosh: i saw your subject mom and i started getting excited but then i thought you were just talking about the byu game: but then at the end there it was: thats so much fun: i will now be close to you all and some of my friends will be there: i wont be alone: yes: i just cant stop smiling right now: thank you so much mom and dad: but anyways how was your week: i have been thinking a lot about you this week: i was worried about not being able to tell you my release date: i knew you were very excited mom: but i should get it soon: and by the way the time is flying here it will feel like tomorrow: i really cant believe that i have just a little over two and half months left: it is so crazy: i am really excited to see you all: i have a bittersweet feeling inside: i will miss this work; i will miss these people but i really am excited to see you all and start school again: but my goal is to still work as much as i can with the missionaries: i have grown to have such a great love for this work: it is absolutely amazing: i have seen and been a part of many miracles: i have changed tremendously and i love it: the change was neccessary i believe: i grew up a lot as well: i still have a lot of growing up and changing to do before i get married though: well how is max this week: i have not been able to see the video: we have no where in our sector to go to watch videos but when we are in noumea next which will be for general conference i will watch it: how was your date bobby: i am sure it went well and you swept her off her feet: . . . oh to answer your question yes i am still with sister titel yay: we made it through this transfer: the next one is in the beginning of april: i am hoping we can just stay together but we shall see: there is more rumors going around about me being a trainer again: i am just going to put my trust in the lord: the things he wants me to do i will do: and by that time i will most definitely have my release date by then: . . . we received some bad news the other day that one of the members in our sector son died the other day: he wa only about eighteen months old: he drowned: it is actually the grandson of two huge families in our sector: it is really sad: he was such a cutie: but they are all handling it well: they know they will see him again: and i know they will as well: but in other news i used a weed whacker the other day for the first time ever: it was really fun: i have never used one: i know i tried when i was younger but didnt succeed but this time i did: it was fun but the only bad thing was that i had basketball shorts on so rocks kept flying up and hitting my legs: it hurt: but it was fine: i got to wear a mask too: that was the best part: i took a picture: . . . well that is really all the news this week: i love you all so much: thank you so much for your support and love: miss you:


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