Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Email 04 Feb 2007

Excerpts from Sister Welker's email:
well i just wrote you a really long email telling you about my week but it was erased and i only have seven minutes left so i will try and write what i had but it wont be that long: well it is okay because our week was not very exciting: my companion was sick this week but we were still able to get a lot of work done: i love my companion she is great: she is exactly how i was one i started: lots of frustration heart aches tears: i really believe that our mission president was inspired to put us together: i have really been able to help her and share my own experiences: i will admit though that training is hard: i feel like i need to be perfect: and i am so not perfect: i dont want to be a bad example for her: it is a little stressful: i thought i would end my mission easy but i guess the lord felt like i needed to progress more: which i did: i have grown and changed a lot: i am so grateful that i am able to serve a mission: i have changed so much and i love it: i have grown up a lot also: i am ready to face the real world now: i am really excited to come home but it is a really bitter sweet feeling: i will really miss the people here and being a missionary: i love it: i am scared to go back to normal life school dating marriage yikes: well we ate eel this week: it has to be one of the weirdest things ever: i found out what it was after i ate: and actually it wasnt that bad: and we had magets in our house: fun huh: yuck it was so gross: we had so many of them and i really dont know why but we got them all cleaned up and out of our house: and we sprayed a lot of stuff: well i am out of time i love you all and miss you all so much:


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