Monday, March 19, 2007

Email 18 Mar 2007

Excerpts from Sister Welker's email:
hello my beautiful family; i love you and miss you tons: how was your week: mine was pretty good: we finally have gotten back into the swing of things after sister titel being really sick: she is feeling a lot better: we actually had an investigator that has been an investigator for fifteen years come to church today for the first time in three years: it was so great: i was so happy: he told me after that he had really felt the spirit and had really enjoyed it: the amazing thing is that the blessing i told him he would receive if he came to church would that he would be touched by the spirit and that would help him get the motivation he needed to obey all the commandments: it was amazing: i could really feel the spirit talking through me: i am hoping he will come again next week: we have really been working with him: he progresses little by little: but i know one day he will be able to obey all the commandments and be baptized: he is an amazing person: he is 76 years old: . . . well to let you know about my release date: the 12th is the day i will leave new caledonia: we are not sure yet if i will be going through new zealand or fiji yet: my mission president wants me to go through fiji and stay there until the 14th: but the church board may say no because there are no flights from fiji to hawaii: but there are flights from new zealand to hawaii: if i go through new zealand i will get to hawaii the 12th: but i dont know yet: i have to wait to see with my mission president: well there are two elders who will be in hawaii the same time as us: they leave in two weeks to go home: but their families are going to hawaii in may: the 19th of may: so they are going to come to my homecoming: that will be fun: because they are my two favorite elders here: we were all in the same district for a long time: one of them you might meet at sister rowberrys homecoming: i will give you all the information next week: i forgot it today: i am so excited for general conference: i cant wait to hear everyone talk: four days after that we have zone conference: talk about spiritual uplifting: this will be my last zone conference: it is really sad: it is going to be hard to leave this people: i have to bear my testimony at the end: i will be the last one: i know i will cry: oh man so hard: oh man my arms are so sore today: we did some more weed whacking: but this time it was on this really steep hill: oh it was difficult but really fun: i fell down a couple times: but i got to wear these really huge boots: i think they were about six sizes too big: it was quit a sight to see: we are going to be doing a lot of tracting this week because we need new investigators: can you please pray for us to find someone: we need someone to teach who is ready: i have faith that we can too: rumors have it that maybe we will be transfered soon: i hope not: i just want to stay here until the end: when we have transfers i will only have five weeks left: we shall see though: i will know in two weeks: well i love you all so much: i miss you all so much: see you in less than two months: eek:


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