Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Email 18 June 2006

Excerpts from Sister Welker's email:
i have got to say i am really really sad right now: i am shocked too: i cant stop crying: auntie keola just wrote me a letter and i wrote her back: i want to be there: . . .i will tell you a little about what has happened this week: our investigator did not get baptized: he didnt go to church so they have to wait until he does: we had a huge rat in our house the other day: we were just sitting on our beds one night talking when it scurried across the floor into the closet: we freaked out: we called the elders to come get it because it was the size of a water bottle: no joke: they couldnt find it: but they did find a big hole in our closet so we think he went outside: they covered the hole thank goodness: i did door to door this week: i actually did the talking by myself: it was my first time: i was so scared but it turned out good: i got a returned appointment:. . .: i have been really tired lately: i dont know why: just kind of warn out: it has caused me to be a little sick: i just have no energy: its horrible: but i am handling it ok:. . .we met a lady on the bus the other day from arizona: she was the first american i have ever met here: her and her kids were on vacation: she didnt speak a word of french and they were lost so we helped them out: we had a nice talk with them:. . .i got a letter from the wises: it was very nice: if you see them please tell them thank you from me: i am going to write them back: . . .it was really nice to see pictures of the ward. . .: i received a wedding invitation from brother stephenson: it is so cool they look so happy: oh dad i saw a little french military thing the other day: there was hundreds of soldiers in the park doing some sort of tribute thing they were standing in this big half square thing at attention as some guy spoke: i took a picture so i will have to send it to ya: nothing fancy but it was cool: they might close my sector soon: i will be transfered i dont know where yet but we will find out in a couple of weeks:i love you and miss you tons. bisous

Email 11 June 2006

Excerpts from Sister Welker's email:
i have some really exciting news: a young guy in my first area mont dore is getting baptized this saturday: i am so excited it is my first baptism to someone i taught all the lessons to: i am so happy for him: he is 16. . . i get to go to the baptism so i am very happy: we were also teaching his sisters who might get baptized soon too:. . .i havent told you about my new district: i am in the on ville district: it consists of all the missionaries in the city: there is 8 of us: 6 elders and me and soeur holme: . .this has got to be my favorite district so far: in 3 weeks we have transfers again: they might be just for the elders but some of the sisters might be changed too because some of them have already been in their sectors for six months: like my companion: i dont want them to change yet but it is a definite possibility:. . .i went to a wedding on saturday: one of our investigators were getting married. . .it was so much fun: they seemed so happy: . . . to answer your questions dad. . . it is looking like i could be a senior companion as soon as august: i might even be training: that scares me to death: because i definitely dont have the language down: they have been king of hinting that that might be a possibility: i know you guys pray for me everyday and i am very thankful: thanks so much it is helping: i was wondering if you could pray for the people in this sector: because right now we have no progressing investigators except for one who is getting baptized in august: it is a very hard sector: nobody is interested: but this week we are doing door to door to every house: we are starting from the top of our sector all the way down: it may take us at least two or three weeks: but we are very dedicated and we have a strong desire to find people to teach: . . .well i love you tons and tons: i miss you: i hope you have a fabulous week . . .i will be praying for you:

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Email 04 June 2006

Excerpts from Sister Welker's email:
i love you and i miss you: . . .we work with a lot of inactives here: . . .i am getting very tan here: it is great: i am back to what i was when we were going to the beach like everyday: . . .on friday we went to the gayas farewell party: it was so much fun: the branch members really let loose: they were all dancing and having a lot of fun: they were playing really good music: a lot of it is what they play in hawaii: they had tons of food too: i really felt like i was back in hawaii minus the french: . . . we threw a birthday party for our zone leader on saturday: . . .we made him and cake. . . i was wondering if you would mind if i used a little of the money to buy a new journal and a new purse: i dont have one and on pday they are really useful: i dont want to use to much though: i dont think i am going to buy clothes just yet: i might save the money for awile if that is okay: i will just try and live with what i have until i absolutely need new clothes: . . . this morning we were driving to come do internet but we had to stop somewhere first as we were pulling out of the parking lot our zone leader accidently hit a car next to us: it was like a little bitty mark on the others guys car: well he flipped out: he started yelling and saying we better pay for that and what not: it was really ridiculous: but we got everything worked out: . . .: i love you tons: oh mom you can say either je t'aime or je vous aime: but je vous aime is more polite and usually used when you have a big group of people:

je vous aime beaucoup: que dieu vous benis