Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Email 22 Apr 2007

Excerpts from Sister Welker's email:
how are you all this week: i am doing really well: congratulations thomas: i am proud of you: it sounds like you have worked really hard: good job:: you will have to train me when i get home: i want to be able to do that some day: i run a little bit every morning but it is no where close to a marathon length: one day we will have to do the boston marathon together: that is my dream: mom thank you for registering for me: the dance class is ok: i just had a little time so i thought i would try something like that: but thanks again: everything looks good: well this week we worked so hard: we were tired every single day: we dropped into our beds at night: it is really a good feeling: that helps me to see that i am working hard: there is no slacking off for me: i dont have the time: well i ate deer liver the other night: just another thing to add to all the interesting things that i have eaten here: i am definitely not a picky eater anymore: i have had to eat so many onions and mushrooms and chocolate here that they dont taste that gross anymore: even fish isnt that bad: but i definitely wont be ordering them at restaurants: we saw the biggest dog ever the other day: it was white: it seriously looked like a polar bear: it was huge: we got so scared: but he didnt hurt us: i am getting so worn out: this work is really tiring but i love it: it takes a lot of energy: and as i am getting to the end i am feeling it: i think i will probably be able to sleep for two days straight: i am still a little sick: i dont know what is wrong: i am thinking it is just a little stress so it should go away soon: we were driving the other day and it started raining: the really weird thing was that the sky was so blue there was no clouds anywhere to be found: it was so crazy: . . . oh mom you asked me about bringing me stuff to hawaii: i really need my clothes: i wont have any: i am leaving a lot behind and i only have church clothes: i have no normal clothes: can you bring some of my shirts and my capris: . . .well i love you all so much: and miss ya tons: i will see you in three weeks: hugs and bisous:


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