Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Email 06 May 2007

Excerpts from Sister Welker's email:
hello my beautiful family: i love and miss you so much: i really cant believe that i will see you in a week: it is so crazy: i have a lot of mixed emotions: i cant believe it: my week is absolutely booked: everyone wants to have me over for dinner or lunch so i am booked every lunch and dinner: and i also have back ups in case other appointments go through: it is so crazy: i thought it would be a lot harder than this but i am actually doing okay: . . . : i am so excited for the scholarship: that is awesome: that will really help me out: i am very happy: thank you heavenly father: that is so great: i am getting really excited to see everyone again: i hope you recognize me: oh bobby can you fix an appointment for me with your friend to get my hair cut and colored: i need it really bad: . . . well we had a little experience the other day: i dont really want to tell you about it right now but i will when i get home: but the outcome was that we moved in with the sisters in paita: we still work in boulouparis but we stay in paita: it is just below our sector: i have my last zone conference tomorrow: i will be bearing my testimony and singing in bishlama: it should be fun: president condie will be there: so excited: . . . i love you all so very much: see you in one week: hugs and bisous:


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