Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Email 23 July 2006

Excerpts from Sister Welker's Email:
How are you guys doing today. . .you sound like you are doing great: i miss you tons and tons:. . .the week has been pretty good: we have been working hard and finding success: thank goodness: we have a lot of investigators that have a lot of potential: it is nice to be in a sector that flourishes: the people here are so nice: when we go and try and find like old investigators or contacts we find new people: who are not usually interested but still invite us in to have a glass of water or a snack:. . .we have blessed a couple times: because people will tell us no but then invite us in and we get into a gospel conversation and they become interested: it is so awesome when that happens: i received your pakcage on monday: thank you so much we already had some tacos and the starbursts were gone the first day: all the american missionaries were missing those: so they all say thank you: the hair spray is a life saver: and thank you so much for the journal it has my favorite picture on it: thank you for sending the program for auntie keola: she looked so beautiful: i miss her tons but i know she must have been needed up with heavenly father: . . . i got a letter from nicky grant the other day: it was really nice of her to write me:. . . i also got ernies wedding invitation: she looked so happy and beautiful: she wrote me a really nice letter: i also got a letter from lindsey: . . .i might be transfered soon back to mont dore: my foot has just been getting worse and worse so they want me to get into a car sector: mom and dad i dont want to go: i like it here: please pray for me and my foot: i need all the help i can get: . . .: i am learning tons of new words: it is great: well that is really all that happened this week: i hope your week was awesome: i love you tons and miss you tons: you guys are my life: the force that keeps me going;

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Email 16 July 2006

Excerpts from Sister Welker's Email:
how are you doing: i miss you tons and tons: this week has been a really good week: it went by so fast: i couldnt believe it: i am almost already at my eight month mark can you believe it:. . .we have been kind of lost in our new sector: we have been trying to find everyone in our sector and then find new people to teach: it is a little stressful but good: we have been eating a lot with members and i am gaining weight again: . . . i have a funny story: we do a car wash usually on every first thursday of the month but because we had a zone conference the first thursday this month we had the car wash this last thursday: well i taught a lot of lessons: it was a lot of fun: and i taught them by myself: it was scary but good: but then i went out and held the sign for the car wash: when i was walking in with the sign when it was almost time to stop: this guy was leaving who had just gotten his car washed and he rolled down the window and stopped me and said that the reason he stopped was because i was the cutest one there: well i was really embarrased because i said thank you and turned around and there was about ten elders right there: they had heard the guy and they all started giving me a hard time: teasing me and what not: it was really funny but i felt really dumb: they are still giving me a hard time:. . .oh my foot started hurting again: i dont know what is wrong with it:. . .my companion had the flu this week so we were out a day but we still had a pretty good week: i am so surprised i havent gotten sick: we are together twenty four seven: . . .love ya miss ya: hugs and bisous.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Email 09 July 2006

Excerpts from Sister Welker's email:
hey how are you today: i love ya tons: i have missed you so much these past two weeks: it has been really hard not being able to "talk" to you: well a lot has gone on the last two weeks so this letter may be long: i received jens letter: it was really nice: can you tell her thank you for me:. . . i received the camera extension but i forgot it today so i will try and send some pictures next monday: i got shanes wedding invitation: he is looking really good: he looks happy: i am so happy for him: i also received true to the faith: thank you so much for sending it i use it a lot: it is good for teaching: well i told you a little on friday but we had transfers: i am no longer in faubourg: i am now in magenta: we white washed this sector: which means that there was elders before but they put sisters in: we actually have investigators and members in our sector now: i am so excited: we didnt have any in my last area: i am still with sister holme: we have already been together for over 2 months: we are most likely being transfered in 5 weeks when some sisters leave and new sisters arrive:. . .oh man mom and dad you would not believe how dirty our new apartment was: the elders had lived there: it was so disgusting: it made me so sick: it has taken us three days to clean it and we arent even done yet: there was cochroaches everywhere: we had to sleep with the light on the first night because they were all over: i am not even kidding when i say that we had probably over 500 of them: and they are still coming but not as much: we have been spraying like crazy: we moved everything and washed everything: i got some really cool battle wounds from it: my knee is black and blue it is crazy: that apartment was not liveable: i have to admit i was really mad at the elders for leaving it like that: the walls were brown and the fridge was so gross: our fridge is broken our washer is broken; our microwave is broken; everything is broken: . . . it was so hard to stay positive: . . . we almost just broke down and cried but two elders in our district came to help: it is our new district leader and his companion: they came over and helped us clean for about 2 hours: they could not believe how disgusting it was: they were our heros for the day: we are so grateful for them: . . . have you guys been watching the world cup: it is huge here: everyone watches it: and because france has been doing so well things have been crazy here: when they won brazil people went driving in their cars with huge flags: honking and yelling: it was crazy: . . .: it has been absolutely freezing here: i freeze to death every day: but i dont have anything to keep me warm: thank goodness it is only going to be winter for two more months; tell reid hi for me: tell him i would love to hear from him: and any of my other friends you may see: i still havent heard from anyone from my singles ward: . . .sister freeman got your letter: she let me read it: it was very nice: she told me that she almost started crying when she read it: zone conference was awesome: very spiritual: i had a very good interview with president ardern and a good talk with sister ardern: she is always worried about me: she talked to the mission doctor and they want to give me some medicine for my nausea: . . . so they want me to try these and see if they help: i received all your letters thank you so much: they really lifted me up: . . .: i was missing you guys tons this week: i love you so much: oh i also wanted to thank you for your talks: they were so good: . . . we had a fun p day the other day we had a barbecue: it was fun: we played games and ate lots of food: . . .oh yeah by the way i hurt my foot the other day: i couldnt walk on it: they had me go to the doctors and they thought i had a stress fracture: they took x rays and couldnt find anything: so they thought it might be a muscle problem: it is fine now: it hurt so bad though:. . .i had to use these weird french crutches: they were so weird: my nickname now is gimp: but hopefully that will pass: well i love you tons and tons: i hope all is well:

Email 25 June 2006

Excerpts from Sister Welker's email:
how are you doing? this letter is going to be kind of short today because not a lot happened this week: we did tons of door to doors and contacting: still have no investigators:. . .we are trying really hard though: . . .our zone conference is next thursday the 6th so i will not get a p day next monday: it is scheduled for the friday after zone conference: so that is when i will get to do email: so it will be almost two weeks. . . but all is well :. . .i know heavenly father is with me and grandma and grandpa and i even felt keola with me this week:. . .well i have a cute story to tell you: the other day we were doing door to door and found this really nice lady that was already investigating our church: she invited us in and we talked for awhile: the thing that was cute about it was she had a little two year old boy that just took to me: he would come over and lean over on my knees and smile at me and laugh: it was the cutest thing: it really made my week: he would hug my knees too: and layed his head down: oh i wish you could have seen it: well i love you tons: i miss you: hugs and bisous: