Email 27 Aug 2006
well this week has been kind of normal: really good week though: i am really enjoying being with sister rowberry: we have tons of fun together: it is a blessing but in like less than a week we have transfers again: i am hoping that sister rowberry and i dont change: but i will go wherever the lord wants me: but i am going to enjoy the time now i have: i am just so happy right now: i dont want it to change: the sector is really starting to pick up: we actually have a lot of progressing investigators now: i have worked really hard in this sector and i dont want to leave but i dont want to be selfish either: i will let you know what happens next week: well it has been super hot here: it is getting to be summer: oh man it gets hot here: but its good because i am getting tan again: so thats a plus: my hair is really getting light though: it is turning almost blonde: maybe in nine months it will be and i will look like the rest of the family finally: you might not recognize me though: i look a lot different: . . . well we are still working a lot with marie: she is really progressing we invited her to a baptism the other day and she came: it was so great: she asked a lot of questions and really enjoyed it she said that she had felt good there: and also there were a lot of members that came up to talk to her: it was awesome: the only problem is that she works every sunday: but maybe she can change days: thats what i am praying for: well we are teaching an english class: it is very interesting because we do not have any books or anything: its really hard: but its good: . . . well i gotta tell you that i have several little boys here that have little crushes: it is the cutest thing: their ages are one and half; four and eight: the four year old yesterday during church winked at me and waved: it was so cute but a little shocking: where did he learn that: the other ones always just look at me and come up and just stare and smile: it is so cute: but well that is really all that happened this week: . . .well i love you and think of you all the time: you are always in my prayers: tell the ward i said hi i will try and send them another letter soon but i am already behind writing other people: but i will try: hey also tell who ever said go alicia thanks: love ya: