Friday, January 05, 2007

Email 02 Jan 2007

Excerpts from Sister Welker's email:
hello my beautiful family: i have to say i am a little dissappointed right now: i have not been able to watch the cd that you sent me: the place we do internet is not very good and does not have the program to watch the cds: so i have to wait until next week when we descend again into town for zone conference: thank you so much for the video: i was able to hear a little of it but not see the video: i heard grandmas voice i think and tori laughing: that was so cute but that is all: i hope i will be able to watch: i cant wait: i was so excited to do internet today so i could watch it but it doesnt work: thank you so much for the package: everything in there was awesome: my companion and i love the cd of my favorite hymns: we have listened to a million times already: thanks for the pen: its pink: i love it: i already used it: he he: i loved the pug too: i had to tell everyone that i got a pug for christmas: next christmas i am hoping to get a real one: hint hint i had a pretty good christmas: it was definitely not the same but it was okay: it felt like any other day: it will be fun to be with everyone next year: . . . i was so very excited to talk to everyone on christmas: it was the present that i received: it was so good to hear all of your voices: you all sound so good: it was hard to keep in the tears: it has been a long time: it was so good to hear jordans voice for the first time: i have never heard him talk: and tori she is so grown up now: she talks like an adult: she told me that she got a barbie for christmas: that was so cute: it was good to talk to everyone: jenni also: i had never talked to her: she seems really nice: i like her already: . . . oh mom i want you to know that i most likely wont extend: i thought about it some more and i kind of changed my mind: it might not have been possible anyways: it is looking like maybe the 19 of may: maybe : i have to talk to my mission president first and see when i am leaving: thinking about all of that really scares me: i am excited but nervous at the same time: i only have four and half months left eek: all the missionaries got together for christmas: we were only together four hours and then all left to make our phone calls: we played ping pong and talked and we had a gift exchange: we had to buy a gift for five dollars: i bought a cool mat that you sit on: it was really small but cool: i received a bulls eye game: it is not with darts: it was so funny: it was the gift from my companions cousin who is serving here: i also got a really cool necklace from one of the young adults in our branch: she has the same name as me: i cant wear it right now as a missionary because it is a little flashy but after the mission: i received a lot of other jewelry too: lots of fun: i recieved a really cool watch too: christmas was absolutely crazy here: they let off fireworks for christmas: we were not able to fall asleep: they kept us up all night: the really sad thing is that they forget about the real reason for christmas: there are so many children here who have no idea who jesus is just santa clause: it is really sad: we had a really spiritual companionship study for christmas: we really talked about christ and all he did for us: it was great: new years was okay: we didnt do anything really: we went over to my favorite familys house for dinner: it was fun: and new years day was are pday: we just stayed at home because everything was closed: oh man it is so hot here: we dont even have to move and we start sweating: when we walk we get soaking wet: but now we are entering into the rainy and hot season so it should be a little better than just hot: but personally i like the heat: i dont mind it at all: . . .well i love you all very much: i hope your week goes great love you tons and tons: big bisous:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Alicia,

Long time no see. How is everything going? I check out your blog spot every now and then. Im not sure how it works though. How is the mission going? I hope its good. My brother just left on his to India. How much longer do you have left? I hope to see you when you get home. Let me know ok. Well I will let ya go now. Have a great day!. Love ya!


1/15/2007 4:25 AM  

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