Email 14 Jan 2007
Excerpts from Sister Welker's email:
hello my beautiful family: how are you guys doing: i am doing really well: i had a very eventful week this week: i forgot the list of what i wanted to tell you at home so i hope i can remember everything: if not i will just write it next week as well: well my leg is doing a lot better it is still blue and green but its fine: but this week it was my eye: i thought i just had allergies: it started monday night but then when i woke up tuesday morning it was totally red and it was watering and hurt really bad: so we went right away to the doctor and he told me that i had these little marks on my cornea or something like that: he said it is caused by itching or the sun: but that was what was causing the redness: he gave me all this stuff to put in my eye and told me to buy some good sunglasses so you might see a 25 dollar purchase on my card: i had to use money from home and not from the mission: sorry about that: but it is better now: i have to go back tomorrow for him to see if it is better and see if i can start wearing my contact again: oh yeah about transfers: well::: i am a trainer: scary huh: no it is really good for me: i was a little shocked when they told me but i had a feeling: the first couple of days i was nervous but it is okay now: she is awesome: she is from california: didnt ever take french before: she actually was fluent in spanish: but she already speaks pretty well for just getting here: she had to wait for her visa for a little while: she waited in the mtc a little bit and then served in arizona for two weeks: we had no idea that a new sister was coming: we were shocked: but it has been really good: it is really good for me: i have really grown in the past week: for the moment i am the only one who talks when we visit people: i teach almost everything too but she testifies and teaches little principles: already the work is really starting to pick up: she is totally different from sister pahio: they are both awesome though: her name by the way is sister titel: she has already graduated from byu: but is younger than me: crazy huh: it is only by a couple of months though: she has been helping me with my byu application which i received this week: i am almost done i just have to write my essay: . . .i hope my essay turns out good: i am a little scared because i have been speaking french for so long: my english is not very good: . . . well some other news not very fun news though is that i had to learn how to drive a stick: oh my gosh i stalled the car so many times: my companion didnt know how to drive a stick either so they left sister pahio with us for two days to teach just me: but then the zone leaders found out that my liscense expires soon so they told me i had to teach my companion: that was an adventure: it is like a blind man leading the blind: its good now: we take turns driving: we will do that until my liscense expires in february: we had zone conference this week: it was really good: we talked about the things that I needed: my mission president also told me that the next zone conference which will be in six weeks: i will find out my release date: little scary huh: i am scared and excited: but i still have a long time to do the work so i am happy: i am really loving my mission: i am so happy at this point in my service: it has been a good experience: it has gone by so fast: i am thinking that i will stay here until i go: i am hoping: i would like to stay with the same companion too: we shall see: there will be a lot of changes soon: lets hope not for us: we have a baptism date the tenth of february: i am really excited: and we are working for one in march as well: we have set a lot of goals together and we are going to work really hard to reach them: hey i received a dress from vanuatu the other day: it is bright orange and is very big on me: we cant wear it here as a missionary but i am going to bring it home as a souvenir: there are two members in my sector as well who are making me tahitian dresses: the cool thing is i didnt ask they just said they were making me one: they are so beautiful: i think i will wear in utah: i am not shy to do it: i like it: well i dont remember what else was on my list but i willl write the rest next week: i love you all so much and miss you tons: take care hugs and bisous:
hello my beautiful family: how are you guys doing: i am doing really well: i had a very eventful week this week: i forgot the list of what i wanted to tell you at home so i hope i can remember everything: if not i will just write it next week as well: well my leg is doing a lot better it is still blue and green but its fine: but this week it was my eye: i thought i just had allergies: it started monday night but then when i woke up tuesday morning it was totally red and it was watering and hurt really bad: so we went right away to the doctor and he told me that i had these little marks on my cornea or something like that: he said it is caused by itching or the sun: but that was what was causing the redness: he gave me all this stuff to put in my eye and told me to buy some good sunglasses so you might see a 25 dollar purchase on my card: i had to use money from home and not from the mission: sorry about that: but it is better now: i have to go back tomorrow for him to see if it is better and see if i can start wearing my contact again: oh yeah about transfers: well::: i am a trainer: scary huh: no it is really good for me: i was a little shocked when they told me but i had a feeling: the first couple of days i was nervous but it is okay now: she is awesome: she is from california: didnt ever take french before: she actually was fluent in spanish: but she already speaks pretty well for just getting here: she had to wait for her visa for a little while: she waited in the mtc a little bit and then served in arizona for two weeks: we had no idea that a new sister was coming: we were shocked: but it has been really good: it is really good for me: i have really grown in the past week: for the moment i am the only one who talks when we visit people: i teach almost everything too but she testifies and teaches little principles: already the work is really starting to pick up: she is totally different from sister pahio: they are both awesome though: her name by the way is sister titel: she has already graduated from byu: but is younger than me: crazy huh: it is only by a couple of months though: she has been helping me with my byu application which i received this week: i am almost done i just have to write my essay: . . .i hope my essay turns out good: i am a little scared because i have been speaking french for so long: my english is not very good: . . . well some other news not very fun news though is that i had to learn how to drive a stick: oh my gosh i stalled the car so many times: my companion didnt know how to drive a stick either so they left sister pahio with us for two days to teach just me: but then the zone leaders found out that my liscense expires soon so they told me i had to teach my companion: that was an adventure: it is like a blind man leading the blind: its good now: we take turns driving: we will do that until my liscense expires in february: we had zone conference this week: it was really good: we talked about the things that I needed: my mission president also told me that the next zone conference which will be in six weeks: i will find out my release date: little scary huh: i am scared and excited: but i still have a long time to do the work so i am happy: i am really loving my mission: i am so happy at this point in my service: it has been a good experience: it has gone by so fast: i am thinking that i will stay here until i go: i am hoping: i would like to stay with the same companion too: we shall see: there will be a lot of changes soon: lets hope not for us: we have a baptism date the tenth of february: i am really excited: and we are working for one in march as well: we have set a lot of goals together and we are going to work really hard to reach them: hey i received a dress from vanuatu the other day: it is bright orange and is very big on me: we cant wear it here as a missionary but i am going to bring it home as a souvenir: there are two members in my sector as well who are making me tahitian dresses: the cool thing is i didnt ask they just said they were making me one: they are so beautiful: i think i will wear in utah: i am not shy to do it: i like it: well i dont remember what else was on my list but i willl write the rest next week: i love you all so much and miss you tons: take care hugs and bisous: